Revised 2014


ARTICLE 1                         NAME


                The name of this organization shall be the “District 12 Volleyball Coaches Association”. It shall be composed of voluntary membership of the volleyball coaches in the following counties: Belmont, Guernsey, Monroe, Morgan, Muskingum, Noble, Perry, and Washington.




                The purpose of this association is to promote the objectives of the District 12; to protect the welfare and advance the interest of its members; to foster professional attitudes; to establish and maintain helpful, friendly relationships within the membership; and to promote the sport of volleyball within the district and the state.



Section I –           There shall be two (2) classes of membership in this association; active

                         and associate.


  1. A.– Active membership shall include head and assistant volleyball


  1. B.– Associate membership shall include any other person interested

         in the activities of this organization. However, associate mem-

         bers shall not have the right to vote or hold office in this organi-




Section 2 –            Active and associate memberships shall extend from the pre-season

                                meeting for one calendar year.     



Section 3 –            Active membership in the District 12 Volleyball Coaches Association

                                and membership in the Ohio High School Volleyball Coaches Associ-

                                ation are required in order to have a vote concerning business in our





Section I – The annual membership fee shall be $10.00 per school. (Amended on

                       4/29/01 that each school pays $75.00). (Amended 4/27/08 to $100.00)

                   Each school has one vote.

                   Associate memberships will also cost $10.00 (deleted 4/29/01).


Section 2 – Dues shall be paid at the pre-season meeting (August)to the association’s



Section 3 – Any additional fee may be voted by a fifty-one percent (51%) vote of the

                   active members present.


Section 4 – A coach not paying membership dues will relinquish all rights to vote,

                   nominate or hold office.



Section 1 – The officers of this association shall be a President, Vice President,

                   Secretary, Treasurer, and District Director.


Section 2 – The President shall preside at all meetings of the association and shall be

                   responsible for calling special meetings, coordinating the association’s

                       activities, and act as a member ex-officio of all committees when there is

                   not a chairperson.


Section 3 – The Vice President shall preside in the absence of the President, and

                  Direct and supervise clinics/mini-clinics in our association.


Section 4 – The Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings at all meetings of

                   the Association and Executive Committee meetings in the secretary’s

                       minutes book. He/she shall handle various correspondence of the

                   Association; keep custody of all the secretary’s supplies and keep them

                   in such order that they are usable and may be passed on satisfactorily to

                    the successor; report the minutes of the previous meeting of the associ-

                   ation meetings.


Section 5 – The Treasurer shall receive all moneys belonging to the Association;

                   shall make payment when properly authorized; shall make deposits in

                   the Association’s account; shall keep an itemized account of receipts

                   and expenditures; and shall make reports of the balances at the Associ-

                   ation meetings.


Section 6 – Term of office for President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and

                         District Director shall be two (2) years.


Section 7 – Elections are to be held every two (2) years for the Officers and

                       Committee members.


Section 8 – An Executive Committee will be made up of the following officers:

                       President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, District Director and

                   Past President and will also include the option of a representative from

                    each county not already on the Executive Committee with someone

                   volunteering from that county.

ARTICLE VI                       ELECTIONS


Section 1 – The election of officers and representatives shall take place during the

                   month of October and elections shall be by ballot by the active members


Section 2 – In case of moving from the district, or the inability of an officer to con-

                   tinue, the Executive Committee shall appoint a replacement. In the

                   case of the Presidency, the Vice President shall assume office and a new

                       Vice President shall be appointed by the Executive Committee.


Section 3 – All member schools are entitled to only one vote by either the head

                   coach or their assistant. Fifty-one (51%) percent of the active members

                      present will be needed for passage of the general business, election of

                   officers, and representatives.





Section 1 – There shall be three (3) meetings during the year, August, October and

                   April.  The April meeting will be a virtual meeting. 


Section 2 – Business to be acted upon by the association shall be conducted only at

                       the regularly scheduled meetings. A majority fifty-one percent (51%)

                       of the active members present shall decide all issues. Opinions may be

                       expressed by associate members.


Section 3 – The Executive Committee has the power to call any type of meeting

                         when it deems necessary.





Section 1 – Committees and duties of committees shall be determined by the Presi-



Section 2 – The President shall act as a member ex-officio of all committees when

                       there is not a chairperson.

ARTICLE IX                      AMENDMENTS


Section 1 – No alterations, additions, deletions, or amendments shall be made to this

                       Constitution or By-Laws except by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of all active

                       members present at the meeting.






Section 1 – This Constitution and By-Laws shall become effective immediately upon

                         the adoption by a majority vote, fifty-one percent (51%) of the active

                         members present at a scheduled meeting.




Each coach of the District 12 is responsible to:


1. Join the District 12 Association and the Ohio High School Volleyball Coaches  Association by October 1 of each year.

2. Attend at least two (2) of the three (3) general meetings in a January to December calendar year. (April, August, October).

3. Find out what occurred in the meeting if not present.  


4. Remind member coaches on your staff about the meetings.


5. Make your assistant coaches aware of the D-12 VCA manual and what forms are to be copied.

6. Know the procedures for the selection of the All-Stars and the requirements for the players to participate in the All-Star Match.


7. Be aware of the information and procedures as described in this manual.

8. MAKE COPIES OF ANY NECESSARY FORMS ( MARKED WITH *** on pages 3 & 4) provided in the manual and give to the necessary person in order to meet deadlines or procedures.


9. Help the District 12 Association by:

A. Volunteering to help with the All-Star Match

B. Giving input on district business

C. Attending as many meetings as possible

D. Volunteering to serve on district committees

E. Encouraging other volleyball coaches/officials in the district to join

F. Provide to the treasurer by October 1st the names/addresses/phone numbers of all your assistant coaches that will be joining. Bring as many coaches as possible to the August meeting along with the dues. Head Coaches should fill out the membership application and turn it in at the August meeting.

– Provide Names/Addresses/Phone Numbers of your local newspapers, radio stations and any other media to the manual coordinator at the August meeting.

– Always keep in mind the good of the entire association over just an individual school.

– Remember that any reference to a member or a member representative shall always mean a paid, active member.


The Officers

District Trustee

Executive Committee

Manual Coordinator




The President of the District 12 Volleyball Coaches Association is responsible to:


  1. 1.Oversee the general meetings and executive committee meetings.
  2. 2.Establish dates and times of all general and executive committee meetings.
  3. 3.Check the meetings site and date.
  4. 4.Chair the executive committee.
  5. 5.Provide an agenda to the officers prior to the meeting and have the agenda available at the meetings for the membership.
  6. 6.Make final decisions dealing with money and policy as dictated by circumstances.
  7. 7.Write thank-you notes as necessary.
  8. 8.Hand out certificates at the District All-Star Match.



The Vice President of the District 12 Volleyball Coaches Association is responsible to:


  1. 1.Assume the duties of the President when called upon to do so.
  2. 2.Serve on the Executive Committee.



The Secretary of the District 12 Volleyball Coaches Association is responsible to:


  1. 1.Attend and record the proceedings of the general and Executive


  1. 2.Provide the minutes to the membership at the next meeting.
  2. 3.Be a member of the Executive Committee and make decisions/suggestions for the District 12.
  3. 4.Contact the President of any business that needs to be discussed at the general meetings that is not on the agenda.
  4. Run the general meeting in case of absence of both the President and Vice President.


The Treasurer of the District 12 Volleyball Coaches Association is responsible to:


  1. 1.Establish a checking account that best meets the Associations’ needs.
  2. 2.Provide appropriate receipts for members needing proof of membership.
  3. 3.Maintain a current list of paid active and associate members including the name of the respective schools.
  4. 4.Receive all money belonging to the association and deposit it in the District 12 account.
  5. 5.Make payments when properly authorized to do so.
  6. 6.Keep an itemized account of receipts and expenditures in the ledger of District 12.
  7. 7.Provide a written report of the balance at the meetings.
  8. 8.Pay the scholarship winner upon verification of the college/institution.
  9. 9.Make the ledger available for review by the Executive Committee.




The District Director of the District 12 Volleyball Coaches Association is responsible to:


  1. 1.Attend the 3 State (OHSVCA) directors meetings in November, April and


  1. 2.Help with the State All-Star Match in November.
  2. 3.Help with the State Clinic Registration in August.
  3. 4.Report to the District 12 on the State meetings decisions and discussions.
  4. 5.Help each year with the District All-Star Match.
  5. 6.Send newsletter information on the District 12 to the OHSVCA Executive Secretary before the appropriate deadlines.
  6. 7.Be the District 12 Representative at the OHSVCA meetings to:
  7. A.Vote on the business of the agenda.
  8. B.Voice District 12 suggestions and thoughts to the OHSVCA.
    1. 8.Keep District 12 aware of the State Scholarship forms, and the Scholar

Athlete forms (individual and team) as per state newsletters.

  1. 9.Provide the District 12 with the OHSVCA All-Star Match information for

the Players of the Year in each division at the October meeting (includes emergency medical forms and program information forms).

  1. 10.Keep track of mileage to OHSVCA meetings and turn into the District 12

Treasurer for which she will be paid $.45 per mile (5/6/07).

  1. 11.During the August and October meetings, survey the District 12 Coaches as

to volleyball related concerns in our district.


The Executive Committee is:

  1. 1.Made of four (4) officers, District Trustee, Past President, and a

representative from each county within the District 12.

  1. 2.Chaired by the President. If the President is absent, then the Vice

President is in charge.

  1. 3.Scheduled to meet as deemed by any member of the committee.
  2. 4.To review the Constitution, By-Laws, the All-Star selection procedures and match, the scholarship procedure, and any other business of the suggestions/decisions for the improvement of the District 12 Association. These are then to be presented to the membership for discussion/approval at the general meeting(s).
  3. 5.When deemed necessary, meet ½ hour to an hour before any general meeting to discuss impending business.
  4. 6.The Chairperson is responsible to:

~ Inform the Executive Committee of dates, times, and sites of meetings.

~ Provide an agenda for the meeting.

~Be in charge of the