Central District All Star Matches Info

The Central District All Star Matches will take place on Sunday, November 14th at Olentangy Liberty High School.  The Scholarship awards, division 3 and 4 awards will start at 4:45 with the D3 vs. D4 match to follow.  As soon as that match ends (approximately 6:00), division 1 nd 2 awards will start with the … Continued

Central District dates

Final meeting is Sunday, Oct. 24 @4:00 pm at Olentangy Liberty in the library. Nominations for Central District are open until midnight on Sunday, Oct. 17. Voting online will take place Monday, Oct. 18 through midnight Friday, Oct. 22. Please check for the email with the link. Check your SPAM if you didn’t receive it … Continued

District 10 News

District 10 Trustee: Bethany Bentz School: Marysville High School email address: district10@ohsvca.org President for District 10 & 11: Meladee Hopkins, Worthington Kilbourne Vice President for District 10 & 11: Ryan Treese, Cardington Lincoln Treasurer for Distict 10 & 11:  Jen Chapman, Olentangy Liberty Welcome to the 2020 season.  Here are the dates for our district … Continued